Peter was undoubtedly flawed in many ways, and he frequently stumbled. However, Jesus saw potential….
Faith Story
If you’ve ever come across the story of Peter walking on water in the Bible or in any related material, you’ve probably been encouraged to take a leap of faith and step out of your comfort zone. This remarkable incident is mentioned in three out of the four accounts of Jesus’ life, specifically in Matthew, Mark, and John. However, only Matthew highlights Peter’s involvement in the event. It’s worth noting the direct instruction Jesus gives to his disciples in Matthew’s account. Jesus actually instructs them to get into the boat. All three accounts quote Jesus saying, “It is I; do not be afraid.” Jesus is simply urging his disciples not to fear, as his presence with them renders fear unnecessary. But whose idea is it for Peter to leave the safety of the boat? It’s Peter’s own idea. Jesus agrees to it, but he didn’t initiate the request. The one thing Jesus did ask of Peter, which was to not be afraid, Peter fails to fulfill (v. 30). However, let’s examine the end of the story. The disciples respond with amazement and worship. They are convinced that Jesus “truly is the Son of God.”